New at Dépendances: Breton crêpes

Delicious Paysan Breton crêpes    Learn more about the product


Enjoy them as they are or use them in cooking, savoury or sweet !


3 flavours available :

  • natural
  • brown sugar
  • salted butter caramel


Crêpes Paysan Breton emballages




Products with a star *

Mean products under CFIA surveillance and therefore may not be available.

Products with the symbol §

Refer to seasonal products.  Please contact your sales representative for availability.

Products in parentheses ( )

Refer to products that will be added in our range soon. Check the arrival date in the description!


White label outline : pasteurized milk

Grey label outline : unpasteurized milk

Black label outline : raw milk



Delicatessen, pink colour : sweet

Delicatessen, blue colour : savoury