Pizza pear, Rossini blue and prosciutto on the Grill

A sweet and savory dish with Rossini blue Learn more about this product




1  large tomato cut into 4
1  garlic clove chopped

Olive oil

A few fresh basil leaves


1  large square Naan bread
1  small onion chopped
3 slices of prosciutto
1  fresh mozzarella torn into pieces
1 cup Rossini blue crumbled
1  thin sliced pear

Olive oil, salt, pepper


1. Turn on your BBQ on high heat.

2. In the blender, reduce the tomato, garlic and basil leaves into sauce and add a drizzle of olive oil.  When the texture suits you, place it on the Naan bread.

3. Add in order the oinions, prosciutto, mozzarella, Rossini blue and pear slices.

4. Season with a drizzle of oil, salt and pepper.

5. Put on the grill with an aluminium paper for about 15 minutes.  Check cooking often

Serve with arugula salad.


Trip to Scotland

Country of Whiskey and cheese !



Isle of Mull cheese


The production there is done on a circular way :

  • They make Whiskey
  • with le barley residues they feed the cows
  • with the milk of the cows they make cheese
  • with the residual whey they make Gin

It's a beautiful recovery culture !!


Inverloch cheese