Cooking the gingerbread, why not !



Use in your

french toast recipe

As crouton for 

your favorite appetizers

Pain doré


Or when making sauce !



Beef and carrots with gingerbread


Stewing beef (cheek or chunk)

Dijon mustard

Sliced carrots


Diced onion

Pure honey gingerbread

Veal stock

Red beer

Salt and pepper to taste


1. Sear the beef in a pan.  Remove to a plate and rub with Dijon mustard.

2. In the same pan, fry the carrots, garlic and onions.  Deglaze with beer, reduce by half, then add the veal stock.

3. Return the beef to the pan, put the gingerbread slices on top.  Add the lid and put in the oven at 325F (165C) for 3 to 4 hours.

4. Once finished, remove the beef and carrots.  Strain the sauce to obtain a smooth texture, then emulsify with the gingerbread bits to give a rich and velvety consistancy.

5. Arrange the plate starting with a generous portion of tender beef, add braised carrots and drizzle with the sauce.

6. Serve with mashed carrots and for a crunchy and sweet finish, add some croutons made with gingerbread !