Big launch !!

We are pleased to present you our 1st booklet of delicatessen

Catalogue epicerie

  • Classified by brand
  • Short descriptions
  • Visual for each product


Christmas preorders will be delivered in October


Trip to Scotland

Country of Whiskey and cheese !



Isle of Mull cheese


The production there is done on a circular way :

  • They make Whiskey
  • with le barley residues they feed the cows
  • with the milk of the cows they make cheese
  • with the residual whey they make Gin

It's a beautiful recovery culture !!


Inverloch cheese



Use of « Farmstead Cheese » claim in Quebec

Message for retail stores based in Quebec


As of April 1st, 2023, the claim « Farmstead Cheese » :

  • Can no longer be used to describe our imported farmstead cheese

  • Is exclusive to Quebec cheesemakers that have been certified


Please refer to labelling and packaging documentation here (only in avaialble in French)



  • Even if the word is no longer on our website and documents, we guarantee that these products :

    • are made using traditional techniques

    • by a producer

    • who exclusively uses milk from his herd

    • and processes it on his site


More information available here :

Farmstead Cheese - CARTV (