Best of Gruyère

The 1655


Treasure by his origin

  • the only Gruyère born and matured in the region of Gruyère and its immediate surroundings

Treasure by his legend

  • the only Gruyère whose limited production was previously reserved for the Swiss market

Treasure by his excellence

  • the unique Gruyère ennobled in respect of traditions, where each batch is exclusively entrusted a particular master cheese maker

Treasure by his maturation

  • the unique Gruyère whose delicate flavor depends on an ideal maturing time, carefully kept and perpetuated for centuries





Spotlight on prepack !

New !!!

 We have noticed the trend towards self-service cheese :

  • less handling
  • less contact
  • more choices


Therefore, we have found several prepack cheese for you :

Château de Bourgogne 200g


Plaisirs de Bourgogne 90g


Mont'Noix 200g

Côte d'Or 150g

Chabichou blister 150g

Raclette Brézain sliced 360g

Raclette Bio sliced 350g



Watch for the next arrivals !

Isigny Butter - Guaranteed without Palm Oil


Find all available products from Isigny Ste-Mère and all sizes of PDO Isigny butter unsalted or salted :

  • 5kg wooden basket

Beurre Isigny AOP ½ sel motte

Beurre Isigny AOP doux motte

  • 250gr

Beurre Isigny AOP ½ sel en rouleau

Beurre Isigny AOP gros sel baratte

  • 250gr wooden basket

Beurre Isigny AOP ½ sel panier

Beurre Isigny AOP doux panier

  • 200gr Organic

Beurre Isigny Bio

  • 25gr portions

Beurre Isigny AOP doux

Beurre Isigny AOP ½ sel